Day Three- Green, OH
16 miles- The year was 1898 and a guy named Frank Seiberling opened a company that made poker chips, horseshoe pads, and carriage and bicycle tires. He named the company after the long dead...
16 miles- The year was 1898 and a guy named Frank Seiberling opened a company that made poker chips, horseshoe pads, and carriage and bicycle tires. He named the company after the long dead...
21 miles- Up at 4AM to pack up and make breakfast for a 5AM start. It was a 2.4 mile walk into the campground from the road yesterday, so, unsurprisingly, it was a 2.4...
18 miles. I will start with yesterday, wherein my cousin and his wife hosted a family reunion. A gathering of the living cousins on my Dad’s side of the family, along with spouses and...
Greetings from Ohio! Named after the river that the Iroquois called “ohi-yo” meaning “the great river.” The area has been inhabited for the last 12,000 years. First by the Paleo-Peoples who likely followed the...
The Buckeye Trail (BT) is over 1,400 miles in length, completely circumnavigating the state of Ohio. That is impressive, but mostly I just wanted to use the word “circumnavigating” in a sentence, and now...
Toxicodendron says it all, albeit in Greek, so let me translate for you. Toxikos, means “poison” and dendron, means “tree.” This is the name for the genus of plants that contains poison ivy, poison...
Amen! Hopefully no big storms cross my path, like last year. Happy Trails!