Day Nine- Solon, OH
17 miles- 1868, 1883. 1887, 1912, 1922, 1936, 1941, 1948, 1952, and 1969 were the years that we are sure the Cuyahoga River caught fire. There are probably others, but they weren’t recorded. I...
17 miles- 1868, 1883. 1887, 1912, 1922, 1936, 1941, 1948, 1952, and 1969 were the years that we are sure the Cuyahoga River caught fire. There are probably others, but they weren’t recorded. I...
Pleasant night at the Heritage Farm CG. Up at 6:15 to a pretty sunrise and then I walked the half mile to the Peninsula Coffee Shop for breakfast. (I know, tough life.) When I...
16 miles- Two geological events set the stage for my blog today. About 350 million years ago a great river flowed out of what is now eastern Canada. The silt it carried settled into...
0 miles-Today was a “zero miles walked on the trail” day. Instead I spent much of the day touring the Seiberling Estate about a mile and a half from here. You may recall that...
18miles- The rain yesterday finally let up a little after 8PM. Over all I was hiking and or camping in the rain for more than 12 hours. Fortunately it wasn’t raining this morning when...
21 miles- In 1817 a canal was started to connect the Hudson River with Lake Erie. Known as the Erie Canal, it opened in 1825 and immediately increased commerce and the fortunes of those...
Amen! Hopefully no big storms cross my path, like last year. Happy Trails!