Off To Arkansas

2:45AM- Awaiting Uber to airport. I’m taking a 5:30 flight to Phoenix where I have a tight connection to Dallas. Then, in Big D, a three hour wait for my flight into Fort Smith, AR. Got my fingers crossed that my checked bag, aka backpack, and I make the flight out of Phoenix.

About to turn on to the runway for takeoff-Eugene

5:07AM- The Uber arrived on time, I was the first in line at the airline counter, and got through security with no problems. I am on board my flight as I write this. So far, so good.

Sunrise on the way to Phoenix

9:34AM- Well, we were 15 minutes early into Phoenix! Which allowed me to clear the plane, “walk” the half mile to the other side of the airport, and arrive at my departure gate with minutes to spare. Yay! I checked the airline app and it appears my bag made it, too. So I am now on my second flight and headed to DFW where I will wait for the Fort Smith flight.

2:31PM- We arrived a few minutes early into Dallas. I found lunch and then, to kill time, decided to walk the 1.5 miles over to my departure gate. Since all normal passengers take the SkyLink train between concourses, I had a pleasant and peaceful hike in the netherlands of the airport. Just me and the occasional maintenance person. I’m now hunkered down at the gate for Fort Smith, awaiting the plane which is on its way.

The Fort Smith Airport

5:06PM- Arrived in Fort Smith, safe and sound, but not without a lot of choppy air on the way in. The remnants of a big storm that blew through here yesterday was still stirring up the atmosphere. But the pilot set the plane down just as gentle as could be, in spite of the gnarly winds. There’s only one gate at the Fort Smith airport, but then we were the only plane there. After I get my bag, I’ll walk the mile up to the La Quinta Inn and check in. Tomorrow, I’ve arranged with a local guy, Mike, to pick me up and take me down to the trail. I should start walking by 10 o’clock.

Until tomorrow, happy trails…

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Jim Waller
Jim Waller
3 days ago

Excited for your hike! Travel to the trail is always interesting! Best of luck!

3 days ago

Looks like good weather for your start and first week. Here is hoping you don’t need the umbrella!