Day Two-Mogadore Res.

21 miles- Up at 4AM to pack up and make breakfast for a 5AM start. It was a 2.4 mile walk into the campground from the road yesterday, so, unsurprisingly, it was a 2.4 mile walk out this AM. So I logged nearly 5 “bonus” miles to camp there. But it was nice and relatively quiet, so not too bad.

I had 21 miles to go today and the afternoon temps were predicted to be near 80 along with some rain later, so I wanted an early start. I worked my way south and west along assorted roads as I made my way around the reservoir.

Morning scene West Branch Res. Near Campbellsport

I passed Campbellsport named after General Campbell, an early resident. It was a port on the Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal. The P&O canal connected the Pennsylvania Canal with the Ohio & Erie Canal further west. The P&O was built starting in the Fall of 1835 using private funds, since neither Ohio nor Pennsylvania want to use state funds for a canal that went to another state. $1,000,000 was secured ($35.5 million today) for the project and the 82 miles of canal was dug by hand with picks and shovels over a 5 year period. The canal opened in 1840 and operated until 1872, by which time railroads were making the canals obsolete.

Pennsylvania Canals showing the P&O
Ohio Map showing the P&O in red

During its heyday the P&O was a link in hauling freight and passengers between Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Towns along the canal, like Campbellsport, prospered, but the demise of the canal caused many towns to wither and by 1903 Campbellsport lost its post office and is now listed as an unincorporated community.

Further south, I followed a frontage road along I-76 for several miles. That had the advantage of going by a Mac-Ds, so I made a quick stop for second. breakfast. I eventually moved 10 miles farther south and west to Mogadore Reservior and a private campground that I am staying at tonight. It is only 50 feet off the trail so my exit tomorrow will be easy.

Until tomorrow, Happy Trails!

PS- I forgot to mention that I was attacked by two dogs yesterday that came off their porch out to the road. They wouldn’t let me escape, so I had to use pepper spray. This had the effect of changing their priorities suddenly and I was able to make my exit.

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9 months ago

You must have been an Eagle Scout! Be prepared with pepper spray. I had no idea that was an essential part of backpacking gear. I’m not most dogs favorite!